Sleeping Octopus Assembly on Psychedelics

Sleeping Octopus Assembly on Psychedelics is Sept 27-29th in Pittsburgh. It is a fun and relaxed conference, a nice mix of healthcare workers, psychedelic scientists, artists, philosophers, and enthusiasts. The lineup includes visionaries such as Rick Doblin, the founder of MAPS, and we are honored to announce that Hannah McLane and Michelle Joy will be giving a talk on ethics and access to innovative therapies for trauma. They will also be joining Rick Doblin and a few others for a panel discussion on Saturday afternoon. We hope to see you there!

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SoundMind Bulletin 001 • August 2019

Many updates and dates to remember! Thanks for coming to our fundraiser; An update about expanded access; Reminder about the Psychedelic Medicine and Cultural Trauma workshop next week; Local gatherings and conferences for psychedelic medicine; some other events and upcoming projects From the SoundMind Center development team…

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Expanded Access Update

As many of you know, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is working toward FDA approval for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to be treated with MDMA through Expanded Access. MDMA has already passed Phase I (safety and dosage) and Phase II (efficacy and side effects) clinical research trials. In Phase III, they are further evaluating efficacy and safety.

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An Update on Expanded Access in The Philly Voice

SoundMind center was mentioned in the Philly Voice and our founder, Dr. Hannah McLane, was quoted: “She said people of color often face ongoing traumas caused by racial injustices and neighborhood violence – in addition to potentially having a main index trauma. ‘This leads to higher rates of PTSD in communities of color and this can also be more difficult to treat due to the ongoing nature of it,’ McLane said in an email. ‘We want to make sure to put significant resources towards addressing this inequality, as higher rates of PTSD in the population can cause ripple effects that serve to worsen the already unequal and unjust system.’”

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We are Looking for a Community Organizer

We are currently looking for a part-time community organizer for this clinic, with a preference for people living in West Philly and identifying as POC, LGBTQ+, or other marginalized group – or someone who has had significant experience community organizing experience with these groups.

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