Announcing Our Psychedelic Access for Veterans Project


We are proud to announce the launch of our Psychedelic Access for Veterans Project. There is an urgent need for effective, accessible mental health interventions for veterans, and psychedelic-assisted therapies offer hope for more effective interventions to treat PTSD, depression, and other mental health concerns. Not only do 1 in 5 veterans suffer from PTSD, a third report they don’t get the mental health care they need. Every day, 20 US veterans take their own life.

At SoundMind, we prioritize developing psychedelic-assisted therapy treatment models that make these innovative new treatments affordable, accessible, and culturally-attuned to patients, especially for our nation’s veterans. We are proud to announce that we are launching clinical interventions and research projects to build more accessible and effective models of care for our veterans.

Stay tuned for more details on this exciting new initiative!

hannah mclane